Friday, July 15, 2011

Jul 15 - Ocean Day of Under the Sea Week

yes, it's time for another week.  erynn and momma are on vacation at gma and gpa's house. 

we went to the "shark park" and played in the splash fountains.  gpa flew a kite.  i tried to help fly the kite.  i rode my trike.  gma walked around the park and watched me play.  mommy forgot the camera.   we had a lot of fun at the park. 

then we went home to make dinner.  we played 6, a dice game.  gma won. then gpa won.  then i won.

 gma and i put together an ocean puzzle. 

it's five o-clock.  time for dinner and time for presents.  i open my present of ocean play-doh.  i made blue seahorses. gma made green penguins.  and gpa made orange turtles.  when you roll play-doh.  you squish then roll this way and that way and squish and this and that and squish and this and that.  gpa has a trick to getting the play-doh up without ruining your animals.

momma was outside getting the ocean mural ready for us.

we dipped and painted sea creatures.

 and sprayed blue water for the ocean.

 tada.  we made an ocean mural outside while it was raining.  it's a little drippy.

then we played go fish.  i was the winner and gma was the loser.

we all made a fish bowl together.

and watch Dora Mermaids and Over the Hedge.  what time is it?  9:30.  time for fireworks.

it was a little scary.  we lost momma for about 20 minutes.  we found her just before the fireworks started.

i wore my sunglasses because the fireworks are very bright.

what a great first day of under the sea week.


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