David and Megan are my newest married cousins. I went on my first roadtrip to go to their wedding. There were many things to learn and do on my first roadtrip. As you may recall, I had chronic lung disease due to my prematurity and as a precaution I am not allowed to fly for a while. (recycled air, colds, germs, international germs, etc.) So, Mommy and Daddy packed up the car and me up and off we went to Utah.
Here are some travel tips:
It is important to stop for wiggle time and a diaper check every two hours or so, unless I am sleeping. Do not wake me up. Remember to bring lots of disposable bags for messy things.
Clean out the trash at every rest stop. Don't forget to wear a hat if it is really sunny out.
Have a warm jacket in the car in case it rains for a little while or if you are travelling in the mountains.
Watch out for the local wildlife, they may want to get into your carseat.
Stop for food and get out of the car, it keeps the Mommy and Daddy and the Baby on speaking terms. Love you.
Exercise and play ball with your best pal.
Stretch your legs.
Make friends with the truckers. Learn how to wear a hat and look good.
Find a shady spot for a rest. It's almost 90 degrees outside. Wear sunscreen.
Wear nice clothes to the temple. (uncle kelly, me and grandma gg)
Very nice clothes (megan's step-daddy, megan's mommy, cousin megan, cousin david, aunt teri and uncle greg) Close your eyes when the bright sun is out, but don't forget to open them for the picture!!
Really, really nice clothes (nice girl, cousin kelsey, cousin megan, cousin david, nice boy, nice boy, nice boy)
Wear long-sleeved white t-shirts in the wind so you won't get more sunburned or wind-burned. Lean on Mommy, she won't let you fall over.
It's okay to change clothes if you get messy. All the clothes are in the car trunk anyway. Very handy.
Be helpful getting into your carseat. It just makes everyone happier. Get used to snuggly little spaces.
Take lots of naps.
Play with new toys from your trip. Don't forget to let your feet play with your new toys too.
Learn how to brush your own hair. Now try Daddy and Mommy's hair.
Play teeth tug of war. Let Mommy win some of the time. She'll play with you more often.
Clap your hands and look for Daddy. Oh, there he is.
Be very thankful when you can sleep in your own crib once again.
i'm bushed. i'll write soon.