rignt after school today, the garbage truck came and pick up our garbage can a dumped it into the hopper. i have a garbage truck toy. i picked up garbage around the house until it was snacktime.
mom made me garbageman snacks today. i ate all of them and then had some shredded cheese too. i love garbageman snacks.
mom was so nice to make garbageman snacks today. so, i made pretend dinner for both of use to share.
momma is taking pictures of things for ebay and craigslist today. but i want her to take a pictures of me. don't you want her to take a picture of me too?
1> me and my smiling face
2> me and zeke the zebra talking
3> me and zeke the zebra not looking at mommy :) mom and i made zeke after we went to the zoo.
ok mom. now you can continue taking pictures of luggage and other stuff.