Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

Jan 11 - Officially Speaking

butterfly slippers.

yes, i know that some have called them princess slippers or fancy slippers. but, i call them butterfly slippers. it is very confusing for mommy because my other slippers have butterflies on them.


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Jan 03 Been Watchin' Too Much Cinderella?

make bubbles wash and scrub rinse scrub rinse put away do i still have time to make it to the ball ?
wait for me prince charming

Friday, January 1, 2010

Jan 01 Warmest Wishes

Warmest Wishes
Megan Garrett Blake Kelsey
Haley Jared GG Erynn
For a Happy New Year
Leslie Darryl Erynn
From the Edmunds Families
Kelly Haley Teresa David Megan Greg Teri Kelsey
Blake Jared GG Leslie Erynn Darryl Garrett Enjoy Each Other in 2010!!