Thursday, August 19, 2010

Aug 18 - A Star (Artiste) is Born

editor's note:  couldn't help the pun and showing off erynn's new spelling love.

and now for the art . . .   lellow . . .

blue . . . red . . .

hmmm hummmm hummm hummm


i love mixing.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Aug 17 - It's Hot Here

here's a few tips for you to stay cool in this hot weather . . .

go swimming or dip your toes in cool water

take long sips of cold drinks that are yummy

wear an ice cream bucket (after you eat all the ice cream, of course)

just a few tips.


Monday, August 16, 2010

Aug 15 - Taking Care of Daddy

gg and momma and i are taking care of daddy.  i make lots of cold ice water (to fill the polar pak) for daddy's sad knee to feel better.

i help momma lift the knee machine onto his bed everyday.  (i stand by the door so i don't get hurt.)

i read stories with daddy so he is a happy patient.

i tell momma to go away it's time for daddy to take a nap.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Aug 10 - I'm Momma

i'm momma.  i'm wearing her shoes.

i'm momma.  i'm reading a book to my baby.

i'm momma.  i'm fixing a toy.

i'm momma. i'm driving my car.

i'm momma.  you're the unicorn.


p.s.  so is grandpa.  you're in good company.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Aug 8 - Quality Time with Momma

i decided that momma was not getting enough attention from me.  so, i have cancelled all of my princess appointments for the day to spend some quality time with momma.  yes, that does mean that i will be queen for a day.

hey, no one told me this is what the queen did all day long. 

well, i don''t know how to whistle yet.  so, i guess its . . . 
clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere
clean up, clean up, everybody do your share.

i want to be a princess again.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Aug 6 May I Have Your Attention, Please

Read My T- Shirt


Swings for Everyone.

Vote Erynn in 2012.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Aug 5 - Anderson Park Picnic

not everyone who goes to a picnic wants to eat.  some of us are real swingers . . .

and some of us like to go up and down . . .

but mostly we like to spin on new things.

but, i always like ice cream.  e.