Saturday, November 28, 2009

Nov 28 - That's Not Turkey Leftovers

nope, that's blue or purple crayon . . . not as yummy as i thought it would be . . .
mommy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
need some help please.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nov 24 - Erynn's Thanksgiving Menu

Eating >> (very small amounts, not going for volume at this time) Go-gurt Yogurt (preferably pink, but purple will do) Creamy Peanut Butter on a Pretzel ( serve with plain pretzels also) Yoplait Thick and Creamy Vanilla Yogurt (tastes like cheesecake) Ice Cubes (small and crushed) Ice cream Turkey Cheese Soup Chewing or Savoring >> (then spitting, very messy) "Elmo Bear Snacks" Mini Teddy Grahams "Elmo Box Snacks" Strawberry Yogurt Burst Cheerios Apple slices (bring a star cookie cutter and be prepared to sing twinkle) Cheetos "Triangles" Doritos French fries Chicken Nuggets Chocolate Chocolate Donuts or Cake Starburst (strawberry) Drinking >> Water (by spoon and full open cup) Ice Water (by spoon and full open cup) just a heads up to people eating with or seeing erynn eat . . . > please don't call her messy or use the mess word - she doesn't like messes and will stop "fooding" because of the mess. > be prepared for flying or spitting food. don't wear light colors or fancy stuff if you are sitting by erynn > please be positive and complimentary, but don't but her on stage, she has major stage-fright issues. > the best way for erynn to try new foods or eating skills, is to see you do it happily and then slowly and then again and again. leslie. p.s. this is the first time we've been able to put together the news. it only started like this last week. p.p.s. the hurling is under control again. she only gags to protect herself and only a little bit and not so often.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Nov 22 - News You Can Use

in october, gaylloyd came to visit me and watch me during a feeding session. we had lots of fun and tasted many different things. gaylloyd gave mommy and lana some ideas on spoon sipping to help me drink water. in november, mommy went to see gaylloyd. she was teaching a class to therapists and invited mommy to come and learn about various types of infant, toddler and pre-school age NDT's that result in feeding disorders. mommy learned about lots of techniques for teaching someone how to eat. And, mommy found out alot about muscular and neurological and developmental problems that i don't have for little people with feeding disorders. but, mommy listened and thought about the feeding techniques and the various difficulties. then they started talking about hypersensitivity due to intense medical histories and prematurity. yup. that's me. so, mommy learned all about why i have problems eating and what could have caused them. and, we found out that i am afraid of a lot of things and i don't trust anyone around my face. i don't like anything touching my mouth or mouth parts and i am afraid you are going to hurt my eyes. mommy also learned about feeding groups (the right way) and texture therapies. we found out why i like savory and dairy most, followed by salt, ice and least sugar. we started a feeding chart and watched for certain likes and barriers. we started taking little steps and trying new things and practicing crunching and repetitive chewing. then, lana came over for feeding therapy and we started cheering about putting things in our tummy. it was very exciting. once it was scary, but then it was ok and lana seemed very happy. so, . . . it was only a teaspoon of yogurt and 1/2 teaspoon of creamy peanut butter, but they went all the way down to my tummy and didn't come back. e editor's note: huge little victories for us.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Nov 1 - Working with Mommy in the Church Library

hello and welcome to the library. i'll be with you in just a minute. i have to move the scriptures and chalk and crayons cart into the hallway. beep, beep, coming through. watch out toddler driving. i am assuming you wanted that picture in the large size. just a second, i got it. remember, remote 2 only works with tv 2 and dvd 2 and vcr 2. don't forget to bring back the whole set 2 and park it in space 2. do you need a box to carry all that stuff.
come back soon.